Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Inventors and Artisans

Makers seems to fall into one of 2 camps. Some people are idea generators, trying out different things, even if they seem a little crazy. 


  • Restlessly searching for the new, sometimes for the sake of newness. 
  • Like to solve problems, large and small.
  • Make intersting, intuitive leaps as they try to discover answers
  • (Leaps can be risky but also lead to rewards).
  • Take to one particular skill or subject and spend their life refining and exploring until it shines like a diamond.
  • Practising to make their business perfect.
  • Trying to fill in gaps of those the don't know. 
  • Believe journey is the destination.
  • Think of the best, fast, efficient way.

Of course person doesn't belong to one or another group. But that the way of thinking people might have in generalization. Did u think which camp is closer to you?
Thanks to RENA TOM for sharing and food for thought.